Virginia Legacy Soccer Club

Training Plans

Training Plans


The directors have spent the last two weeks coming up with an extensive “At Home” training plan to prepare all players for the next 8 weeks. 


The plan covers technical and physical aspects of each player's individual game. Players are guided through individual activities to perform each day of the week. Players have the freedom to build their own-guided workout each day so it doesn’t get repetitive or boring. Each activity, in addition to its description, also has a live demo video to further highlight the activity, techniques and form needed to perform the activity at the highest level. 

The focus of the curriculum is a mix of technical and fitness activities.  Players will have the opportunity to improve their dribbling, first touch, passing and shooting techniques and accuracy with a ball. They will also have opportunities to improve their fitness level through core work, upper and lower body weight exercises, agility and cardio runs. 


"At Home" Training Plan for players U9 - U18





Amber Ox

Amber Ox
Amber Ox

